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Github App Ubuntu

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Release notes

  1. Github Client Ubuntu
  2. Ubuntu Connect To Github
  3. Github Apps
  • Release 4.4.1

    New setting to configure an additional music location other than the standard XDG.
  • Release 4.0.1

    Handles events for all players of the zone at startup.
    It allows playing/stopping playback without having to change the player, and it displays all the states.
    Major design improvements.
  • Release 3.16.0

    Supports the MPRIS2 interface.
    Fix missing search categories for the services without presentation map (Spotify API).
    Allow to bypass the SSDP discovery by passing the url of a SONOS device (see the command line argument --deviceurl).
  • Release 3.15.2

    Enable loudness switch.
    Fix registration issue with services don't handle token refreshing (PocketCasts).
    Fix for british users using Spotify (Locale en-GB isn't supported by the latest Spotify API).
  • Release 3.14.5

    Add support to stream OGG audio files.
    Fix the language string passed to services (The issue occured with Spotify).
  • Release 3.13.0

    Fetch thumbnails from DEEZER by default. The LastFM client remains available by filling in the API key from the settings dialog.
  • Release 3.11.0

    You can stream your local audio files. Supported formats are FLAC, MP3 and AAC.
    Noson extracts Vorbis-comments and ID3 tags including artworks and shares them with your Sonos devices for the best user experience.
  • Release 3.10.4

    You can stream output of a Linux/BSD desktop to Sonos. (Requires PulseAudio)
    It shows the current stream content or radio show.
  • Release 3.9.3

    New sound settings screen.
    Allow malformed xml from service providers.
    Fix SNI issue with OpenSSL.
  • Release 3.8.0

    Include a thumbnailer to download artist/album arts from To enable this functionality you have to setup your API key supplied by
    Refactor the fallback cover.
  • Release 3.7.4

    Fix registration issue for some third part services: 'Amazon Music' and more.
    Improve command output.
  • Release 3.7.0

    Fast startup: No more loading the full music index at startup.
    The new space 'My Music' allows to browse the music index.
    Adds a new folder to browse music by composer.
    Improvements for mobile devices.
  • Release 3.6.5

    Improve touching areas for phone device.
    Build Android (Native API level 16).
  • Release 3.6.4

    Add german translations from transifex.
  • Release 3.6.3

    Display share indexing in progress.
    Fix remaining time of sleeptimer not refreshed.
    Fix search state not cleaned.
  • Release 3.6.0

    Add support to manage alarm clock.
    Add new command CLI 'SHOWAC', 'CREATEAC', 'UPDATEAC', 'DESTROYAC'.
  • Release 3.5.0

    Add support for enabling/disabling night mode.
  • Release 3.4.3

    Add new command CLI 'STATUS', 'SLEEPTIMER'.
    Fix crash caused by the command CLI 'PLAYURL'.
    Fix bug occurring with QtQuick 5.11.
    Fix CMake build with Qt 5.11.
  • Release 3.4.1

    It includes a CLI tool available with the command noson-app --cli.
    Restart automatically the application when the setting style or scale has been changed.
  • Release 3.4.0

    The command line argument --zone={Name of zone} will connect the zone on startup.
    The command line argument --playurl={Stream URL} will play the stream on startup.
    A setting Theme is added to switch the theme of colors: Light or Dark or System default. It is available only for the styles Material and Universal.
  • Release 3.3.8

    Bug fixing.

I've continuing been doing research on GitHub Actions for .NET developers and came across a comment that someone said (paraphrasing): I wish I could use it for .NET Framework apps but it is just .NET Core.

Audio companion 1 4 6 – sound recorder. NOT TRUE! And I want to help fix that perception. There are some bumps in the road, but allow me to explain some simple (yes I realize they are simple) steps to get it working.

  1. Ubuntu Apps Script. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
  2. Some instructions recommend using snap to install some dependencies, for example here: If you are using Ubuntu 18.04 or newer, use snap to install dmd. I tried that and found that after such installation some dependencies are not met! So I recommend you to install those dependencies using classical method like this.

NOTE: I've been on this research because I'm looking to better get ‘publish' experiences in Visual Studio for your apps, but I want to help you get into best practices for CI/CD and DevOps practices. Basically I'm on a mission for right-click, publish to CI to improve for you :-)

So in this post I'll walk through an ASP.NET Framework (MVC) app and have it build/publish artifacts using GitHub Actions. Let's get started…

Ubuntu 20.04 on Hyper-V. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. I guess you are looking for an easy to use front-end for git. Take a look at 'Graphical Interfaces' section of InterfacesFrontendsAndTools page on Git Wiki.There the following have been mentioned: gitk - graphical history browser, in Tcl/Tk, distributed with Git (usually in gitk package); git gui - graphical commit tool, in Tcl/Tk, distributed with Git (usually in git-gui package).

The simple app

I am starting from File…New Project and selecting the ASP.NET Web Application (.NET Framework):

So it's basic vanilla and I'm not changing anything. The content of the app is not important for this post, just that we have a full .NET Framework (I chose v4.8) app to use. From here in Visual Studio you can build the app, run, debug, etc. Everything you need here is in Visual Studio of course. If you wanted to use a terminal to build this app, you'd be likely (recommended) using MSBuild to build this and not the dotnet CLI. The command might look something like this: Apple pages docx.


I'm specifying to build the solution and use a release profile. We'll come back to this, now let's move on.

Publish profile

Now for our example, I want to publish this app using some pre-compiled options. In the end of the publish task I'll have a folder that I'd be able to deploy to a web server. To make this simple, I'm using the Publish capabilities in Visual Studio to create a publish profile. You get there from right-click Publish (don't worry, we're not publishing to production but just creating a folder profile).

The end result is that it will create a pubxml file in the Properties folder in your solution

So we have our app and our publish (to a folder) profile. Moving on to the next step!


Publish to the repo and create initial GitHub Actions workflow

From Visual Studio we can add this to GitHub directly. In the lower right of visual Studio you'll see the ability to ‘Add to Source Control' and select Git:

Photoshop gimp windows 10. which will bring up the UI to create/push a new repository to GitHub directly from Visual Studio:

Now we have our project in GitHub and we can go to our repository and create the initial workflow.

NOTE: This is the area if you have comments about please do so below. In the workflow (pun intended) right now you leave Visual Studio and go to GitHub to create a new workflow file then have to pull/sync, etc. You don't *have* to do this but usually this is the typical workflow to find templates of workflow files for your app. Got feedback on what Visual Studio might do here, share below! Adobe photoshop cc and cs6.

Now that you have the publish profile created and your solution in GitHub you'll need to manually add the pubxml file to the source control (as by default it is a part of the .gitignore file). So right click that file in solution explorer and add to your source control. Now on your repository in GitHub go to the Actions tab and setup a new workflow:

The reason for this (in choosing new) is that you won't see a template that is detected for .NET Framework. And due to whatever reason GitHub thinks this is a JavaScript repository. Anyhow, we're effectively starting with blank. Create the workflow and you'll get a very blank default: Best mac for graphics.

And it will not be helpful, so we'll be wiping it out. I've named my workflow build.yml as I'm only focusing on build right now.

Defining the .NET Framework build steps

For this post I'm going to put all the steps here rather than build-up and explain each one so you can see the entirety. Here's the final script for me:

Let's start explaining them.

Ensuring the right runner

In a previous post I described what a ‘runner' is: What is a GitHub Action Runner? In that post I pointed to the documentation of runners including what is installed on them. Now for .NET Framework apps we need to use Windows because .NET Framework only works on Windows :-). Our action needs to specify using Windows and we are using the windows-latest runner image as we are on Line 8. I won't spend time talking about self-hosted runners here, but regardless even your self-hosted runner needs to support .NET Framework. As a part of the windows-latest runner image, you can see what is already provided on the image. Currently windows-latest is defined as Windows Server 2019 and the documentation shows what is provided on the hardware resource. This includes already having a version of Visual Studio 2019 installed…which means MSBuild is already there!

Setting up MSBuild

Github Client Ubuntu

Even though Visual Studio is on the runner, MSBuild is not presently in the default PATH environment (as of the date of this writing)…so you have options. The documentation provides the path to where Visual Studio is installed and you can determine the right location to MSBuild from there and specify the path fully. However, I think there should be easier ways to do this and the community agrees! In the marketplace there is an Action you can use to setup the PATH to have the MSBuild toolset in your path and you can see this being used on Line 14/15. The action here basically does a ‘vswhere' and sets up the ability to later just call MSBuild directly. This only does MSBuild and not other VS tools that are added to PATH as a part of the ‘Visual Studio Command Prompt' that most people use. But using this one we have here, we can now build our Framework app with less path ugliness.

Building and publishing the app


Publish to the repo and create initial GitHub Actions workflow

From Visual Studio we can add this to GitHub directly. In the lower right of visual Studio you'll see the ability to ‘Add to Source Control' and select Git:

Photoshop gimp windows 10. which will bring up the UI to create/push a new repository to GitHub directly from Visual Studio:

Now we have our project in GitHub and we can go to our repository and create the initial workflow.

NOTE: This is the area if you have comments about please do so below. In the workflow (pun intended) right now you leave Visual Studio and go to GitHub to create a new workflow file then have to pull/sync, etc. You don't *have* to do this but usually this is the typical workflow to find templates of workflow files for your app. Got feedback on what Visual Studio might do here, share below! Adobe photoshop cc and cs6.

Now that you have the publish profile created and your solution in GitHub you'll need to manually add the pubxml file to the source control (as by default it is a part of the .gitignore file). So right click that file in solution explorer and add to your source control. Now on your repository in GitHub go to the Actions tab and setup a new workflow:

The reason for this (in choosing new) is that you won't see a template that is detected for .NET Framework. And due to whatever reason GitHub thinks this is a JavaScript repository. Anyhow, we're effectively starting with blank. Create the workflow and you'll get a very blank default: Best mac for graphics.

And it will not be helpful, so we'll be wiping it out. I've named my workflow build.yml as I'm only focusing on build right now.

Defining the .NET Framework build steps

For this post I'm going to put all the steps here rather than build-up and explain each one so you can see the entirety. Here's the final script for me:

Let's start explaining them.

Ensuring the right runner

In a previous post I described what a ‘runner' is: What is a GitHub Action Runner? In that post I pointed to the documentation of runners including what is installed on them. Now for .NET Framework apps we need to use Windows because .NET Framework only works on Windows :-). Our action needs to specify using Windows and we are using the windows-latest runner image as we are on Line 8. I won't spend time talking about self-hosted runners here, but regardless even your self-hosted runner needs to support .NET Framework. As a part of the windows-latest runner image, you can see what is already provided on the image. Currently windows-latest is defined as Windows Server 2019 and the documentation shows what is provided on the hardware resource. This includes already having a version of Visual Studio 2019 installed…which means MSBuild is already there!

Setting up MSBuild

Github Client Ubuntu

Even though Visual Studio is on the runner, MSBuild is not presently in the default PATH environment (as of the date of this writing)…so you have options. The documentation provides the path to where Visual Studio is installed and you can determine the right location to MSBuild from there and specify the path fully. However, I think there should be easier ways to do this and the community agrees! In the marketplace there is an Action you can use to setup the PATH to have the MSBuild toolset in your path and you can see this being used on Line 14/15. The action here basically does a ‘vswhere' and sets up the ability to later just call MSBuild directly. This only does MSBuild and not other VS tools that are added to PATH as a part of the ‘Visual Studio Command Prompt' that most people use. But using this one we have here, we can now build our Framework app with less path ugliness.

Building and publishing the app

Ubuntu Connect To Github

With our MSBuild setup in place, we can start building. The first thing we need to do is restore any NuGet packages. In Line 20,21 is where we use the NuGet CLI to restore the solution's packages that are needed.

NOTE: For some reason using msbuild –t:Restore was not working at the time of this writing that I expected to work…

Once we have the packages restored, we can proceed to build. In Line 24 is our full command to build the solution. We are specifying some parameters:

  • Configuration – simple, we are building release bits
  • DeployOnBuild – this helps us trigger the publish step
  • PublishProfile – this uses the publish profile we specify to execute that step and all the other options we have set in that configuration. We just have to specify the name, not the path

After the completion of this step (we didn't set any different output folders) we will have a bunch of files in the default publish folder (which would be binPublish).

Publish the artifacts

Apps to download minecraft free. Once we have the final published bits, we can upload them as the artifact for this build pipeline. As we see starting at Line 26 we are using another action to upload our content (binaries, files) to this completed workflow as an artifact named ‘published_webapp' and this will be associated with this run and zipped up all these assets you can download or later use these artifacts to publish to your servers, cloud infrastructure, etc.

Github Apps


So if you thought you couldn't use GitHub Actions for your .NET Framework now you know you can with some extra steps that may not have been obvious…because they aren't. In the end you have a final build:

What I've shared here I put in a sample repro: timheuer/SimpleFrameworkApp where you can see the workflow (in .github/workflows/build.yml) and the logs. I hope this helps, please share your experiences you'd like to see in Visual Studio to help you better for GitHub Actions.

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