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Adobe Photoshop Tools Description

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A quick guide to Adobe Photoshop's Basic Tools palette with a description of each tool's functions and shortcuts. The hidden tools have not been covered here as this is just a quick start guide. For more in depth details and functions please refer to the relevant tutorials as they are presented. Photoshop Quick Tips – Adobe Certified Expert, Justin Seeley, produces this regular podcast covering lots of Photoshop tips and techniques. Pegaweb – Collection of Photoshop Tutorials. Just like an artist's work table, the toolbar holds Photoshop tools. It is the long, narrow palette on the far left side of the work area contains the tools you'll use to draw, paint, erase, and do tons of other things whilst working on your image. You can download a free trial of Photoshop here. Introduction to Move Tool in Photoshop. Move tool is a powerful tool in Adobe Photoshop that supports many functions that are mostly focused on providing move/alignment/transform options for the artwork that includes moving the content layer, changing the layer position in the layers panel, use transform properties, reshape or resize objects and the list continues, furthermore, the line tool.

Editing Tools In Adobe Photoshop

The editing tools do not apply paint to an image, but rather affect the colors already in an image.

Adobe Photoshop editing tools are: Blur, Sharpen, Smudge, Dodge, Burn and Sponge.

To use any of these tools, follow these steps:

  • Step 1. Choose a tool from the Toolbar.
  • Step 2. Set the parameters for the chosen tool in the Options Panel.
  • Step 3. Bring the cursor into the image window.
  • Step 4. Press the left mouse button and, while keeping it pressed, move the cursor over the image.

The Blur, Sharpen and Smudge occupy one cell in the Toolbar, represented by the icon of the last tool used. To choose another instrument, press the triangle next to the icon and choose the desired icon from the menu that appears. This menu can also be accessed from the screen, if the icon is pressed and held for a few moments.

Blur. The Blur tool reduces the sharpness (focus) of an image. It does this by reducing the color contrast of neighboring pixels.

Sharpen. The Sharpen tool increases the sharpness (focus) of an image, by increasing the contrast of neighboring pixels. This results in increased clearness and contrast of borders, and heightened detail in the image.

Smudge. The Smudge tool spreads color in an image, displacing pixels of corresponding colors. It is similar to the effect created by smearing your fingers through wet paint. Smudge works by 'grasping' a color at the beginning of a stroke and then mixing it with other colors as it is dragged across the image.

The following parameters can be changed for these tools in the Options Panel: Brush, Mode, Strength, Use All Users, Finger Painting.

    Brush. The Brush parameter displays the current shape and size of a brush. To change the shape and size of the brush:

    • left-click on the triangular button to open the drop-down palette;
    • change the tool's size and hardness in the Options panel or choose its shape from a selection of presets.

    The palette can also be accessed by right-clicking anywhere in the image window.
    In addition the shape and size of the brush can be set in the Brushes palette, which can by opened by pressing or with the command Window - Brushes.

    Mode. The Mode parameter affects how a tool is applied.

    Strength. Transfer photos from sony xperia to ipad. When using the Blur or Sharpen tools the Strength parameter affects the extent to which the tool changes the focus (sharpness) of an image. When using the Smudge tool this parameter defines the distance which the tool smears color in the image.

    Use All Users. If All New Users is checked when using the Blur or Sharpen tools, it is possible to increase or decrease the sharpness of colors on all visible layers of an image.

    Finger Painting. This parameter is only available for the Smudge tool. If Finger Painting is checked, it will appear as if before smearing, the 'finger' has been dipped into the main color. The result is that not only are colors smeared but an additional hue is added.

Dodge, Burn and Sponge are tools that affect tone. They are used for lightening or darkening parts of an image.

These tools occupy one cell in the Toolbar, and are represented by the icon of the last tool used. To choose another tool, right-click on the triangle next to the tool and choose the desired tool from the menu that appears. This menu can also be accessed from the screen, if you click on the icon and hold the button down for a few moments.

Dodge. This tool lightens a part of an image, if the cursor is dragged across it.

Burn. This tool darkens a part of an image.

Sponge. The Sponge tool affects the saturation and contrast of an image.

Adobe Photoshop Tools Description

In the options panel, the following parameters can be adjusted for Dodge and Burn: Brush, Range, Exposure and Airbrush.

    Brush. The Brush parameter affects the shape and size of the tool. To change the tools' shape and size:

    • press the triangular button with the left moust button, to open the drop-down palette;
    • Set the size and hardnesss of the tool in the palette or choose its shape from the selection of presets.

    Range. This parameter affects the mode in which the tool is applied. In Midtones mode dark and light areas are affected equally. In Shadows mode, pixels in darker areas (shadows) are affected more. In Highlights mode pixels in lighter areas are affected more.

    Exposure. This parameter affects the degree of darkening for Burn and the degree of lightening for Dodge. A value of 100% leads to the maximum degree of darkening or lightening.

    Airbrush. When the button is pressed the tool works in dispersion mode.

The Sponge tool can be set in the Options panel with the following parameters: Brush, Mode, Flow and Airbrush.

    Brush. The Brush parameter sets the shape and size of the tool. To change the tool's shape and size:

    • left-click on the triangular button to open the drop-down palette;
    • set the tool's size and hardness in the palette or choose a shape for the tool from the selection of presets.

    Mode. This parameter switches between the modes in which the tool works. When Sponge is in Desaturation mode the saturation of the primary color decreases, while in Saturation mode it increases.

    Flow. Flow affects every point of color applied with the tool. With each application of the tool, the color applied becomes more opaque.

    Airbrush. When the button is pressed the tool begins to work in dispersion mode.

A quick guide to Adobe Photoshop's Basic Tools palette with a description of each tool's functions and shortcuts. The hidden tools have not been covered here as this is just a quick start guide. For more in depth details and functions please refer to the relevant tutorials as they are presented. Essential for those brand new to Photoshop.

All the keyboard shortcuts are in ( ).

Move Tool (V)

Use this tool to move things by left clicking with the mouse.
Usually it is used it to move a Layer around after it has been placed.

Rectangular Marquee Tool (M)

This tool is for making selections on your image in a rectangular shape.
This changes the area of your image that is affected by other tools or actions to be within the defined shape.
Holding the [Shift] key while dragging your selection, restricts the shape to a perfect square.
Holding the [Alt] key while dragging sets the center of the rectangle to where your cursor began.

Lasso Tool (L)

Use this to draw selections in whatever shape you would like. This tool is not very accurate for going around fine areas but works well if you just want to select a large area.

Magic Wand Tool (W)

This tool is used to select a color range. It will select the block of color, or transparency, based on wherever you click. In the Options Bar at the top, you can change the Tolerance to make your selections more/less precise.

Crop Tool (C)

The Crop Tool will crop your image or part of your image to the size you specify in the values boxes in the options bar at the top. Press the Enter/Return key, to commit the crop.

Eyedropper Tool (I)

This tool works by changing your foreground color to whatever color you click on. pressing the [X] key will toggle between your background and foreground color.

Healing Brush Tool (J)

Use this tool to repair scratches, specs and dust on images and to remove small areas that need cleaning up. Choose your cursor/brush size, then holding the [Alt] key, you select a nice/clean area of your image. Let go of the Alt key and paint over the area to be removed by holding down the left click on the mouse.

Brush Tool (B)

This tool paints on your image, in whatever color you have selected, and whatever size you have selected, by holding down the left click on the mouse. There are various options for the brush tools sizes and shapes which can be found in the options bar.
It is also used on layer masks for showing or hiding parts of the image. (Advanced)

Adobe photoshop tools and functions

In the options panel, the following parameters can be adjusted for Dodge and Burn: Brush, Range, Exposure and Airbrush.

    Brush. The Brush parameter affects the shape and size of the tool. To change the tools' shape and size:

    • press the triangular button with the left moust button, to open the drop-down palette;
    • Set the size and hardnesss of the tool in the palette or choose its shape from the selection of presets.

    Range. This parameter affects the mode in which the tool is applied. In Midtones mode dark and light areas are affected equally. In Shadows mode, pixels in darker areas (shadows) are affected more. In Highlights mode pixels in lighter areas are affected more.

    Exposure. This parameter affects the degree of darkening for Burn and the degree of lightening for Dodge. A value of 100% leads to the maximum degree of darkening or lightening.

    Airbrush. When the button is pressed the tool works in dispersion mode.

The Sponge tool can be set in the Options panel with the following parameters: Brush, Mode, Flow and Airbrush.

    Brush. The Brush parameter sets the shape and size of the tool. To change the tool's shape and size:

    • left-click on the triangular button to open the drop-down palette;
    • set the tool's size and hardness in the palette or choose a shape for the tool from the selection of presets.

    Mode. This parameter switches between the modes in which the tool works. When Sponge is in Desaturation mode the saturation of the primary color decreases, while in Saturation mode it increases.

    Flow. Flow affects every point of color applied with the tool. With each application of the tool, the color applied becomes more opaque.

    Airbrush. When the button is pressed the tool begins to work in dispersion mode.

A quick guide to Adobe Photoshop's Basic Tools palette with a description of each tool's functions and shortcuts. The hidden tools have not been covered here as this is just a quick start guide. For more in depth details and functions please refer to the relevant tutorials as they are presented. Essential for those brand new to Photoshop.

All the keyboard shortcuts are in ( ).

Move Tool (V)

Use this tool to move things by left clicking with the mouse.
Usually it is used it to move a Layer around after it has been placed.

Rectangular Marquee Tool (M)

This tool is for making selections on your image in a rectangular shape.
This changes the area of your image that is affected by other tools or actions to be within the defined shape.
Holding the [Shift] key while dragging your selection, restricts the shape to a perfect square.
Holding the [Alt] key while dragging sets the center of the rectangle to where your cursor began.

Lasso Tool (L)

Use this to draw selections in whatever shape you would like. This tool is not very accurate for going around fine areas but works well if you just want to select a large area.

Magic Wand Tool (W)

This tool is used to select a color range. It will select the block of color, or transparency, based on wherever you click. In the Options Bar at the top, you can change the Tolerance to make your selections more/less precise.

Crop Tool (C)

The Crop Tool will crop your image or part of your image to the size you specify in the values boxes in the options bar at the top. Press the Enter/Return key, to commit the crop.

Eyedropper Tool (I)

This tool works by changing your foreground color to whatever color you click on. pressing the [X] key will toggle between your background and foreground color.

Healing Brush Tool (J)

Use this tool to repair scratches, specs and dust on images and to remove small areas that need cleaning up. Choose your cursor/brush size, then holding the [Alt] key, you select a nice/clean area of your image. Let go of the Alt key and paint over the area to be removed by holding down the left click on the mouse.

Brush Tool (B)

This tool paints on your image, in whatever color you have selected, and whatever size you have selected, by holding down the left click on the mouse. There are various options for the brush tools sizes and shapes which can be found in the options bar.
It is also used on layer masks for showing or hiding parts of the image. (Advanced)

Clone Stamp Tool (S)

This tool is similar to the Healing Brush Tool (see above). You use it the exact same way, except this tool doesn't blend at the end. It creates a direct copy of the information from the first selected area to the second, ie, cloning the sampled area.

History Brush Tool (H)

This tool works in a similar way to the Brush Tool, except the information that it paints with is from the original state of your image. If you go Window > History, you can see the History Palette. The History Brush tool paints with the information from whatever History state is selected.

Eraser Tool (E)

This tool works like an eraser and erases the information wherever you left click and drag.
If you're on a Layer, it will erase the information with a transparent. If you are on the background layer, it will erase with whichever secondary color you have selected.

Gradient Tool (G)

With this tool you can make a gradient of colors. It creates a blending of your foreground color and background color when you click and drag it.

Blur Tool (R)

The Blur tool is self explanatory and makes parts of your image blur. Left click and drag to make things blurry.

Dodge Tool (O)

This tool is used to lighten whichever area you use it on. It can be set to Highlights, Midtones or shadows in the options bar at the top of the program.

Pen Tool (P) Kyocera fs3820n drivers for mac.

Use this tool for making accurate selections. You use the tool by clicking to add a point. If you click and drag, it will change the shape of your path, allowing you to bend and shape the path for accurate selections and such. It takes a little time to learn this tool.

Horizontal Type Tool (T)

This tool creates text. Click a single point, and start typing. Click on the move tool to move the text around.

Path Selection Tool (A)

This tool is used when working with paths. As this is only the basic tools it won't be covered here.

Rectangle Tool (U)

This tool, by default, draws a Shape Layer in the form of a rectangle. It fills the rectangle with whichever foreground color you have selected.

Hand Tool (H)

Use this for moving your entire image within a window. If you are zoomed in close and your image area is larger than the window, you can use the Hand Tool to navigate around your image. Left click and drag.
You can get to this tool at any time whilst using any other tool by pressing and holding the Space bar. Zoom Tool (Z)

Adobe Photoshop Tools Description

Use this tool to zoom into your image. Pressing and holding the Alt key will reverse the action. Holding the Shift key will zoom all of the windows you have open at the same time. Double-click on the Zoom Tool in the palette to go back to 100% view.

Color Picker

All Adobe Photoshop Tools

Almost at the bottom of the tool bar you will find your color boxes. Foreground (in the front) and Background (in the back). Click on either one to bring up the color select dialog box.

Adobe Photoshop Tools Definitions

Quick Mask

Lastly there is the Quick Mask mode. This enables selection of specified areas that have been masked using the brush tool after Quick mask has been pressed. To enable the selection, re press the quick mask mode when all areas required have been painted with the red mask.

Adobe Photoshop Tools Definition

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